Real Estate for a changing world



BNP Paribas Real Estate is positioned as a player in the value creation chain in the real estate sector and contributes to the development of its ecosystem of stakeholders. In the course of its activities, BNP Paribas Real Estate generates economic spin-offs in various sectors. All the financial flows in the region have an “indirect” impact on local economic activity and contribute to its dynamism.

Key figures

  • 1344k€
    allocated to solidarity initiatives
  • 844
    students and young professionals assisted


Contribute to the development of local communities through solidarity actions


Actions in solidarity with our employees

Encourage the participation of employees in solidarity actions.

Promotion of education and access to culture, access to well-being and collective well-being and investment in sport and sports practices

Support access to education and culture for younger generations with the aim of promoting ever more equity and inclusion and defending fundamental human rights without discrimination.

To support various associations that work for health (care, medical research, therapeutic support), better living and well-being.

Support sports clubs and practices.


Actions in solidarity with our employees

BNP Paribas Real Estate also encourages each of its employees to act in favor of certain associations, to the extent of their possibilities. By donating time, money, or energy, every employee can get involved and contribute, because even small actions matter. For employees who prefer to give of their time, BNP Paribas Real Estate will offer sponsorship of skills. Following on from the BNP Paribas Group’s 1 Million Hours Solidarity Program, BNP Paribas Real Estate will soon be offering its employees the opportunity to devote volunteer hours, on their working hours, to associations referenced by the Group. The goal is to reach 1 million volunteer hours per year, representing just over half a day of paid solidarity hours per employee per year.

BNP Paribas Real Estate supports various associations that work for health (care, medical research, therapeutic support), better living and well-being. The assistance provided by the undertaking may be of a financial, material or human nature.

These actions echo BNP Paribas Real Estate’s values of proximity and commitment on the ground, mutual aid and solidarity. Among the many associations supported each year, the Elevator is a unique collective of 20 associations and organizations working for equal opportunities.

Their actions aim to provide better access to education, employment and entrepreneurship for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and territories. The company is also a patron of Helen Keller Europe, which, through its PlanVue program, aims to prevent and treat visual disturbances in school pupils and thus prevent them from dropping out of school. BNP Paribas Real Estate is also committed to causes related to its core business: real estate.

Since 2019, the company has been a partner of the Qualitel Foundation whose missions are to inform the general public, certify and evaluate housing in order to advance the quality of housing for a comfortable, healthy and safe habitat. The Qualitel Endowment Fund supports non-profit organizations that work to ensure access to decent, quality housing for the most disadvantaged populations.


Performance indicators


Responsibility Commitments KPI Entity Unit Perimeter 2016 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2025
Civic Solidarity Amounts allocated to solidarity initiatives Corporate k€ Europe n/a 1162 816 918 1344  
Civic Solidarity Number of students and young professionals assisted Corporate number Europe n/a 385 349 581 844