Real Estate for a changing world

CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY: Real estate for tomorrow

Sustainable real estate

Investment in € on initiatives to promote sustainable development
100% of host countries implement a policy to promote sustainable development in the real estate sector

Key figures

  • 462
    assets in the REIM CSR Panel
  • 4 290 631
    m2 : Total surface of the REIM CSR Panel


- Promoting knowledge and influence of CSR in real estate professions
- Promoting and enhancing sustainable projects through environmental sponsorship and sponsorship schemes
- Supporting stakeholders who create a more inclusive world and who invest in projects that respond to the major challenges facing our society


Partnerships for sustainable real estate

We participate in real estate think tanks. As a major real estate player, BNP Paribas Real Estate must be at the heart of its market developments by sharing the thoughts of professionals in its sector internationally. We actively participate in the life of professional associations and federations, national and international working groups, such as the German Sustainable Building Council, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Germany) or the German Society of Property Researcher, the Alliance HQE – GBC France.

We are also engaged with the public authorities by actively participating in the work of the Sustainable Building Plan, including :
- to the Working Group on QUALITY SIGNS, which we co-operated
- to the working groups on the renovation of the Tertiary Park, the Energy Performance Guarantee and the Private Tertiary Park.

We are also very involved with organizations that contribute to the research and dissemination of the best solutions for sustainable real estate :
- Alliance HQE – GBC France, which develops environmental assessment benchmarks for buildings under new construction, renovation and operation;
- The French Institute of Building Performance (IFPEB), which is working on the most appropriate ways to make sustainable buildings more widespread in line with technical and economic constraints;
- CERTIVEA and CERQUAL certifiers, who develop the most appropriate procedures for certifying the quality of buildings and their operation.
- The BBCA (Low Carbon Building) association of which we are founding members.

As a major player in real estate in Europe, we are working to ensure a sustainable city in our businesses, particularly in the context of the Jobs Booster. The projects initiated by BNP Paribas Real Estate in 2020 on this initiative are :
- Metropolitan Square in Lille (87,000m² offices, housing, shops).
- 17&CO Paris (18,000 m² offices, hostel hotel).
- Tribequa in Bordeaux 3,000m² (exhibition congress center).
- Boulevard des Dames Marseille (10,000 m² hotel or office).
- Gagarin in Romainville (98 accommodations in 2 phases).

Zellige in Rueil Malmaison 13,500 m² of offices.


Performance indicators


Responsibility Commitments KPI Entity Unit Perimeter 2016 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2025
Civic Real estate for tomorrow Number of assets REIM number CSR Panel Europe 2023 KPI 1019  
Civic Real estate for tomorrow Number of assets in the CSR Panel REIM number CSR Panel Europe 2021 KPI 425 474 462  
Civic Real estate for tomorrow Total surface of the CSR Panel REIM m2 CSR Panel Europe 2021 KPI 3 800 000 4 280 767 4 290 631