Real Estate for a changing world


Learning company

As a company, it is essential to ensure the training and evolution of the skills of its teams. Being a learning company guarantees the adaptability and sustainability of the organization in a constantly changing environment.

Key figures

  • 51%
    employees who completed at least one CSR/Sustainability related training in the reporting year
  • 97%
    employees who completed at least 4 training in the reporting year


- Be a learning company and strengthen the skills of our teams
- Become the reference learning brand in our industry, recognized by development opportunities both personally and professionally


Skills management (training, mobility, career)

- Be a learning company and strengthen the skills of our teams + promote the employability of our teams
- Advancing our employees and developing their employability are essential to meet the organization’s future challenges
- Retain our employees through continuous monitoring adapted to the specific expectations of each employee

Acculturation of employees to csr

- Developing the CSR skills of our teams A CSR training plan is being finalized to acculturate our staff to CSR and sustainable development topics
- Aim to train our employees, especially through Climate Frescoes


Skills management (training, mobility, career)

Managing the skills of our employees is based on three key areas :
- Career management: All employees receive an individual interview with their supervisor once a year, a professional interview and a career interview once every three years. Employees aged 55 years and over can benefit from a second-half career interview.
- Mobility: Employees of BNP Paribas Real Estate have the opportunity to evolve throughout their careers within the various entities of the company. Whether it is within the support functions or the six lines of business that make up the company. During a functional mobility, the employee may change duties, change departments, or both. Thanks to BNP Paribas Real Estate’s many career paths, employees can choose to broaden their field of expertise by changing jobs or by changing their line of work to learn more about the real estate sector. In 2021, 60 employees benefited from internal mobility. Mobility is accessible to any employee who has 3 years of seniority in his position and according to his wishes for evolution. Through a platform dedicated to the internal labor market, employees can have a visibility of all the positions to be filled and be accompanied throughout the process by the Human Resources teams.)
- Training and skills development : We encourage the professional development of our employees by offering them a wide range of training modules in an innovative format. We have developed a personalized and digital learning experience to support the professional development of all our employees.

Acculturation of employees to csr

The acculturation of our CSR staff consists of :
- Help them better integrate sustainable development principles into their jobs and activities
- Raise awareness of the impacts of our activities so they can reduce their causes
- Help them better engage with our stakeholders and especially our customers on these sustainability issues

The Group shall take the following actions :
- Awareness plan (webinars, tools available)
- Integrate specific CSR modules for each occupation into training programs
- Integrating CSR into individual and collective performance


Performance indicators


Responsibility Commitments KPI Entity Unit Perimeter 2016 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2025
Social Learning company Employees who completed at least one CSR/Sustainability related training in the reporting year Corporate % Europe 2022 KPI 34% 51% 75%
Social Learning company Employees who completed at least 4 training in the reporting year   % Europe 2023 KPI 97% 95%