Real Estate for a changing world

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Diversity and inclusion

Ensuring diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion

Helping employees to better dialogue with our stakeholders, and in particular our clients, on these issues of social and environmental responsibility and to better integrate the principles of sustainable development into their jobs and activities. Increase their awareness of the impacts of our activities so that they can reduce their causes.

Key figures

  • 51%
    Women among SMPs (Senior Managements Positions)
  • 59%
    Women among Talents
  • 33%
    Women in the Board of Directors


- Integrate and protect the difference within the company while training our employees in diversity to facilitate everyone’s work


Diversity and inclusion

- Fostering diversity and combating all forms of discrimination (intergenerational, disability, gender)
- Endorse the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, career support and the adjustment of working conditions
- Train managers in inclusive management through the #openminded policy, with a goal of 60 managers trained in inclusive management
- Train managers and employees on invisible disabilities, with a first pilot training session that raised awareness among 12 people

Gender equality

- Develop gender diversity when hiring new employees and ensure effective gender equality in strategic positions.
- Raise awareness of sexism through StopE training on ordinary sexism.

A man in a suit and glasses standing in front of a table.

This signing is part of the continuity of our actions in favor of parity and equality at work and reinforces our commitments in this area. Indeed, at BNP Paribas Real Estate, we now have a 48% overall distribution of women within the company. Our board is 60% male and 40% female and we aim to reach the 50-50 parity by 2025

Bertrand Sannier
Director of Human Resources


Diversity and inclusion

From the moment of recruitment, we ask the partners of the company to guarantee non-discrimination in the search for future collaborators. Since 2005, we have been pursuing a proactive policy to combat discrimination and promote diversity in four main areas :
- Employment of persons and disability
- Gender equality at work
- Diversity and inclusion
- Intergenerational diversity: Since 2010, senior employees have received training in preparation for retirement.

Since January 2014, the company has been offering 2 additional days of annual leave to employees aged 58 and 4 days from 60 years of age.

The Group has implemented its #OpenMinded policy, which is based on 11 actions related to diversity and inclusion.

Gender equality

Signing of charters of engagement such as the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) (2011), the or #JamaisSansElles (2019).


Performance indicators


Responsibility Commitments KPI Entity Unit Perimeter 2016 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2025
Social Diversity and inclusion Women among SMPs (Senior Managements Positions) Corporate % Europe n/a 33% 42% 51% 51% 40%
Social Diversity and inclusion Women among Talents Corporate % Europe 2021 KPI 40% 59% 59% 50%
Social Diversity and inclusion Women in the Board of Directors Corporate % France 14% 36% 40% 44% 33% 40%