Real Estate for a changing world

ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: Biodiversity and natural resources

Combating biodiversity loss and optimizing the management of natural resources

Combating biodiversity loss and optimizing the management of natural resources
We seek to reduce and recycle our waste and minimize landfill; we also promote the use of recycled and environmentally friendly materials in the development of new projects.

Key figures

  • 19,9
    kg/m² : biobased materials used (at the stage of declaration of start of works)


- Improve the resilience of our assets, the circular economy and reduce environmental risks;
- Designing virtuous, flexible, attractive buildings that place the living, as a whole, at the very heart of its approach;
- Contribute to the reduction of soil artificialization and the development of biodiversity.

Contribution to the circular economy

BNP Paribas Real Estate’s approach is as follows:
- Generalize life cycle analysis (LCA) in Real Estate Promotion;
- Establish partnerships with start-ups and proptech to reduce waste on construction sites;
- Commit to a circular economy approach in support of the signing of the Circolab Charter in France and our involvement in the Re-use Booster.

Contribution to the circular economy

BNP Paribas Real Estate’s approach is as follows:
- Generalize life cycle analysis (LCA) in Real Estate Promotion;
- Establish partnerships with start-ups and proptech to reduce waste on construction sites;
- Commit to a circular economy approach in support of the signing of the Circolab Charter in France and our involvement in the Re-use Booster.

Preservation of nature and biodiversity

  • Integrating biodiversity into all our activities in Europe;
  • Integrate biodiversity into real estate projects and develop, share, promote a culture and know-how in this area within the real estate ecosystem;
  • Working for sustainable real estate through biodiversity.
A professional woman wearing a red blazer and black top.

Biodiversity makes buildings more sustainable by creating economic, environmental and social value. So it's not a fad. This topic, at BNP Paribas Real Estate, has been driving us for many years, whether in our different lines of business or in the buildings we design, manage or occupy. Since 2016, we have made it an important part of our CSR policy, along with reducing carbon emissions or saving energy.

Catherine Papillon
Director of Sustainable Development and CSR


Contribution to the circular economy

BNP Paribas Real Estate’s approach is as follows :
- Generalize life cycle analysis (LCA) in Real Estate Promotion;
- Establish partnerships with start-ups and proptech to reduce waste on construction sites;
- Commit to a circular economy approach in support of the signing of the Circolab Charter in France and our involvement in the Re-use Booster.

Preservation of nature and biodiversity

As we approach COP15 Biodiversity in China in 2021, BNP Paribas Real Estate is structuring its biodiversity strategy with a dedicated charter and operational roadmap to rethink nature in cities. The Biodiversity Charter of Commitments summarizes our commitments to biodiversity.

BNP Paribas Real Estate has developed a range of tools to integrate biodiversity into its operations. Solution catalogs and analysis grids are used to assess the ecological potential of an existing site or building, in order to establish an action plan to be followed. Performance indicators and goals have been designed and validated with our business teams to drive and measure our progress over time.

Performance indicators


Responsibility Commitments KPI Entity Unit Perimeter 2016 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2025
Environmental Biodiversity and natural resources Weight of biobased materials used (at the stage of declaration of start of works) Residential Property Development kg/m² France 2023 KPI 19,9