Real Estate for a changing world

Reporting protocol

Reporting protocol

Reporting Protocol describes how BNP Paribas Real Estate data should be reported.

Organizational perimeter

The scope covers all activities over which BNP Paribas Real Estate has operational control in France and Europe (assets and activities associated with sites operated and occupied by BNP Paribas Real Estate for its operations). Acquisitions, disposals and development operations (extensions and/or new projects) are likely to change the scope of reporting and influence the analysis of changes in indicators.

Changes in scope

BNP Paribas Real Estate has acquired Strutt & Parker, one of the leading players in the still independent UK property market, creating a leading UK property player. This acquisition, finalized in September 2017, is based on the union between BNP Paribas Real Estate’s UK subsidiary and Strutt & Parker, resulting in 67 offices in the UK and 1,500 new employees. No significant changes in scope in 2018 or 2019.

Period and cycle

For all economic, social and civic indicators, the control period used is from January 1 to December 31. The scope of data collection and reporting covers all Group subsidiaries as of December 31 of the reporting year. Some of the data on energy and water consumption and waste production is based on information from invoices received with a time lag. In order to be able to base itself on actual consumption, BNP Paribas Real Estate has decided to use a sliding year period for the indicators constructed on the basis of these data (from November N-1 to November N).

To ensure comparability, the historical data reported, when available, must cover the last three full years. The currency used is the euro and the measurement system is the square meter. In 2018 BNP Paribas Real Estate disclosed its first CSR report such as this one.

GRI Reporting Principles

The reporting principles are essential for a quality sustainability report. BNP Paribas Real Estate applies the reporting principles and has prepared its reporting in accordance with the GRI standards: ESSENTIAL COMPLIANCE. This report meets all the elements listed in the law, according to the “comply or explain” principle.  Each reporting principle consists of a requirement and guidelines on how to apply the principle. To ensure a quality approach that meets GRI’s expectations regarding standards, BNP Paribas Real Estate has ensured that the tests indicated for each principle are applied by MATERIALITY-Reporting, GRI DATA PARTNER for France.

Reporting protocol
PDF - 1.9Mo

External Verification

The data sources, as well as the measurement, calculation and data consolidation documents, must be verifiable by an independent third party. The corresponding documents, sampling, measurement and analysis methods used shall comply with the appropriate national standards where they exist. During the collection and validation of the reported information, general checks are performed to ensure the reliability of the reported data. These checks may be carried out using relevant control ratios per indicator and must be systematically formalized and archived. This protocol serves as a reference for the external verification of data and is available in French and English. The data sources (invoices, meter readings, waste tracking slips, etc.) as well as the data consolidation documents (sums, multiplications) will be available to the auditors.