Real Estate for a changing world

Episode 8
Real Catch Up

What is the e-office?

With Csongor Csukás, Global Head of Property Management, Europe at BNP Paribas Real Estate

The Covid crisis changed our working lives. Whilst previously the home office took up little space within in, successive lockdowns allowed workers to see the benefit of flexible working and the ability to work from different locations. The development of remote working has reinforced the need to change our working habits, giving way to a new relationship between the home and the office.

However, this organisation has created a new challenge for companies,; how to revitalise workspaces and encourage employees to return to the office?

In this episode, Csongor Csukás Global Head of Property Management, Europe, explains how he believes that offices must now take inspiration from the retail sector, in what he dubs the “e-office” concept. Optimising services, strengthening the relationship between home and the office and ensuring that when people come to the office, they appreciate a new type of experience are just some of what is deemed as essential in the next era of our offices.

Real catch up

What is the e-office?

It’s a kind of comparison to e-commerce where “e” goes for a mix of uses. In fact, the buyer five years ago, no longer needed to go to the store to buy products. The same now goes for remote working, which has shown that it is possible to carry out some working tasks at a distance.

Csongor Csukas
Global Head of Property Management at BNP Paribas Real Estate
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