Real Estate for a changing world

Benjamin Limbourg nominated as general manager of BNP Paribas Real Estate APM Luxembourg


benjamin-limbourg-bnp-paribas-real-estateBNP Paribas Real Estate is pleased to announce the nomination of Benjamin Limbourg as General Manager of BNP Paribas Real Estate APM Luxembourg. "This nomination naturally fits in with our desire to strengthen the management in Luxembourg in order to pursue the development of our different business lines. In this respect, Benjamin will be in charge of the development and coordination of the Investment transaction / Letting & Sales / Valuation / Property Management services on the Luxembourg market,” according to Frédéric Van de Putte, CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory in Belgium and in Luxembourg.

In addition to his responsibility as General Manager, Benjamin will continue to personally assume responsibility for the Letting & Sales department. Benjamin will closely work with the directors of the different business lines, ie François Van den Branden for Investment, David Goldfinger for Property Management and Nabil Mouloua for Valuation.

Benjamin will directly report to Frédéric Van de Putte, CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory in Belgium and in Luxembourg.

Benjamin (39 years old) started his career at BNPPRE Luxembourg in 2006 as consultant in the Letting & Sales department. In 2009, Benjamin was promoted to Director of letting & sales department.

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